Tel.: 095-645-66-65
Address: Inspira, 3 Zoological Street, Kyiv
Opening hours:
Mon-Sat. - 9.00 - 20.00
(by appointment)
Recommendations to the patient after dental restoration/filling:
The first day after tooth treatment, unpleasant sensations in the tooth to temperature stimuli (cold, hot water) are possible. This is due to the fact that the tooth is a living organ and it is natural to feel interference with the tooth system. The level of sensation depends on the individual characteristics of the person who underwent tooth/teeth treatment. The strength of the sensation may increase in the case of simultaneous sanitation of 2 or more teeth. Both the tooth itself and the tissues around it (gum) can react.
After the end of the anesthesia, pain may occur when biting on the tooth, especially hard food. This is due to the fact that during the action of the anesthetic, the tone of the chewing muscles is significantly reduced, which prevents accurate determination of the occlusion (closing) points of the artificial surface of the restoration. In this case, you need to repeat the visit to the doctor as soon as possible and correct the occlusion without using anesthesia.
Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day with all the means and methods recommended by your doctor. In the areas of newly treated teeth, there may be unpleasant sensations when brushing, which are adaptive in nature, and will disappear over time.
Professional examinations and professional cleaning should be carried out 2 times a year, every 6 months (in people with problematic periodontal disease 3-4 times a year, every 3-4 months). During professional hygiene, previously treated teeth are carefully examined for leaks, the presence of shrink-fit composite, etc.
If you suffer from bruxism (grinding and grinding your teeth at night), you must use a removable mouthguard to avoid destruction of the restoration and minimize the risk to both the restored teeth and the temporomandibular joint.
If you feel an uneven edge or roughness near the recently treated tooth with your tongue, consult a doctor to perform additional polishing of the composite.