Tel.: 095-645-66-65
Address: Inspira, 3 Zoological Street, Kyiv
Opening hours:
Mon-Sat. - 9.00 - 20.00
(by appointment)
Recommendations for patients after
clinical teeth whitening procedures
Recommendations to the patient after
clinical teeth whitening procedures
1. The first two days after the teeth whitening procedure are very important for maintaining the maximum effect and beauty of your new smile! Also, the first 48 hours after whitening, your teeth will be maximally permeable to dyes from the food you will consume. Therefore, during this period it will be correct to:
Completely exclude from your diet:
- blueberries, bilberries;
- squid ink;
- red wine;
- beets, carrots;
- red juices;
- soy sauce;
- strong black tea;
- strong green tea;
- coffee without milk or cream.
2. For the next 5-7 days, we highly recommend that you, if not completely exclude these products, then at least limit their consumption!
Please note that all of the above restrictions or exceptions are only relevant for 5-7 days after the teeth whitening procedure, after which the permeability of the teeth returns to the state BEFORE the whitening procedure, and the risk of staining will be minimal.
3. Various popular preparations with a dye (iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, sea buckthorn oil), which you decide to use for lip treatment, must be applied extremely carefully so as not to stain your teeth!
4. Smoking is not a direct cause of tooth discoloration, although it is quite obvious that it can affect the decrease in the brightness of the teeth achieved as a result of whitening. Therefore, in any case, we hope that teeth whitening can be one of the reasons to think about giving up this definitely not the most useful habit :)
5. Due to a number of physiological factors, in the evening of the day when you had the teeth whitening procedure, there may be some increase or simply the appearance of tooth sensitivity. Please do not worry and do not wait for these symptoms to get worse. This is a completely predictable condition and it will disappear for you the next day. Almost always this happens by the next morning (if it occurs at all). In case of unbearable pain, take 1 tablet of ibuprofen-type drugs ("Nurofen", "Ibuprofen", etc.). If discomfort due to tooth sensitivity persists for more than two days, you must definitely contact the dentist who performed your teeth whitening procedure!
6. If you whitened your teeth in frosty weather, we recommend leaving the clinic by car or taxi, because even a short inhalation of very cold air immediately after the procedure can provoke increased tooth sensitivity.
7. In the first days after whitening, be especially careful with your teeth: avoid very hot and very cold food and drinks.
8. Remember that a toothbrush with hard bristles, due to constant abrasion of the enamel, makes it more sensitive. In addition, gum damage is possible. Therefore, replace such a brush with a brush with soft or medium-hard bristles.
9. A toothpaste that is ideal for the period after clinical teeth whitening should combine the effects of normalizing tooth sensitivity, saturating tooth enamel with the minerals necessary for it and at the same time be able to support the result of the whitening carried out in the clinic.
We recommend using specialized toothpastes for one month, then 2-3 months - another paste, and then again it. Such alternation will be the most correct for your teeth.
And remember that teeth whitening in the clinic is a very important, but only the first step to creating an attractive image of your smile. This is the basis of the basics, the right start. And now the task of your dentist is to choose the most suitable home whitening system for you, which can both stabilize the already obtained result and slightly improve it. The most logical course of home whitening is to be carried out 10-14 days after the performed clinical whitening. And after 12 months, if necessary, we will wait for you for repeated clinical whitening.
And of course, no teeth will look bright and white if you do not do professional oral hygiene every 3-6 months, which should become a habit of everyone who considers themselves a civilized modern person! After all, a beautiful smile is, first of all, a healthy smile!